Ob/Gyn Dispatches During COVID-19: Katarina Eisinger, MD

Each day during the COVID-19 crisis, we'll share an update from a member of our team in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Today's note is from Katarina Eisinger, MD, Chief of the Division of General Obstretrics and Gynecology at NYP/CUIMC.

Katarina Eisinger, MD

Katarina Eisinger, MD

This is not a time that calls for us to be strong individually. Instead, we have to come together and support each other in new ways.

I have supported many women through pregnancy and childbirth, with their partners, families, and friends by their sides. Last week, however, as my young patient gave birth to her first baby, after being distanced from her family and friends over the last few weeks, I texted and FaceTimed her as she delivered her baby without the physical support of her husband. Even though she was isolated, she was not alone; the doctors and nurses were with her. I am amazed at her strength, even as she faced circumstances none of us could have foreseen even a few weeks ago. 

I want to thank everyone for the efforts you have been showing and your fortitude in this challenging time. I know that we always say we put our patients first, but in the last several weeks, this has really shown through. Despite the challenges with a new contagious illness and the personal risks, everyone has given 110 percent in keeping the service running and ensuring that we continue to deliver exceptional care in often challenging circumstances. You have been an inspiration to the residents, the Labor and Delivery staff, and your patients, and I am proud to continue to work with you as we get through the COVID-19 crisis. 

Katarina Eisinger, MD