For almost two decades—if not longer—researchers have been documenting the strong relationship between postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), and poor sleep quality
I.V.F. patients are faced with a growing list of costly “add-ons.” For one such test, some say more robust research is needed to support its effectiveness.
At five months pregnant with my second child, I clutched my cramping stomach, trying in vain to prop myself into a comfortable position in the passenger seat of the car.
Earlier this week, Hanne Blank, a historian of sexuality and medicine, saw a tweet going viral that reminded her of a chapter of feminist history from 50 years ago.
When a pediatrician put Maya Prokupets on the birth control pill at age 15 to prevent pregnancy, she doesn’t remember being given any information on possible side effects.
Queens resident Primkumarie Bahadur was pregnant and feeling very ill. She tested positive for COVID-19 which soon developed into severe COVID-19 pneumonia.
Erin Bascom's job shifted to work-from-home in mid-March 2020, around the same time that she and her husband decided to keep their daughter home from daycare.