Making decisions about reproductive health can be stressful and confusing, so we asked a few experts what you need to know about these two popular options for people trying to conceive.
So how much does IVF cost, exactly? Caveat: it's not the same everywhere, but there is a typical range. Here's what you can generally expect to pay on your journey, according to experts.
If my therapist is reading this (and if she isn’t, do we have a problem?), she is about to learn that I spent part of our last phone session folding the laundry.
How long has it been since your last doctor’s visit, dental checkup, eye exam or skin cancer screening? For many women, the answer may be “circa 2019.”
As COVID-19 vaccine eligibility continues to expand, I’ve received more and more questions from women who are worried about the potential that the vaccine could harm their future fertility.
It is Infertility Awareness Week, and a Brooklyn woman is helping support others all over the world. The CDC says one in eight couples experience infertility,
Five hours after Sam got their second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, they got their period — about five days early in a cycle that's typically late.
In a new longitudinal study, a team of researchers provide concrete evidence that people whose mothers were significantly stressed during pregnancy respond differently to stress, 45 years later.
When Shana Clauson, a 45-year-old teacher in Hudson, Wis., was in line to get her first coronavirus vaccination on March 6, she logged onto Facebook to pass the time as she waited.
Forget a pandemic baby boom, a new study finds that the world is actually in the midst of a 'twin boom,' as more families than ever before are welcoming a double bundle of joy.
This week on Power & Politics, we hear from many leaders pushing for women's issues. Topics include including wage equality, women in the political process and paid surrogacy.