The formal, didactic education of the fellows occurs during all three years of training and contributes approximately seven hours each week to their educational program. Fellow attendance at these sessions is mandatory. Teaching conferences provide formal instruction in the basic science and clinical aspects of reproductive endocrinology and infertility. A quarterly Distinguished Lecturer Series in Reproductive Endocrinology allows fellows and faculty to interact with leading authorities in the field from across the country.
The first year provides an extensive, supervised experience in the full range of clinical problems in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, including menopause, infertility, and reproductive endocrine. The first six months are spent learning both the clinical and laboratory skills of assisted reproduction. During this time, the early development of a basic science research project is undertaken, which will lead to a thesis.
Second-year fellows continue to participate in all conferences and structured educational activities of the division. The second six months of the second year are devoted to research.
In their third year, fellows continue to participate in all conferences and structured educational activities of the division, while otherwise focused on completing their thesis research project.
Conferences & Didactic Sessions
Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Thursday is the academic day for the entire Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at CUIMC. The day begins with the Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) Conference, in which interesting cases from each service are presented by members of the house staff and are followed by lively and thoughtful discussion from the faculty and other members of the department.
Grand Rounds
Weekly Grand Rounds follow the M&M conference and feature presentations from within our faculty as well as many distinguished visiting guest speakers. Each second-year fellow will give one Grand Rounds presentation each year, and these talks are often the highlight of the morning session.
Division Weekly
Three out of four Tuesdays each month, the Columbia REI Division meets with fellows for learning activities. Each month, there is one Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility Journal Club (in which each fellow briefly presents and discusses a recent published paper chosen by the fellow), an Ultrasound Journal Club, and an “IVF Review” in which challenging and novel IVF cases submitted by attendings are presented by the fellow and discussed by the group. Quality Improvement presentations are also incorporated into these sessions quarterly.
Fellow Lecture Series
A core Fellow Lecture Series supplements the experience gained on clinical rotations to round out the comprehensive post-graduate curriculum. Lectures are delivered by physicians, genetic counselors and embryologists at Columbia, as well from outside centers and institutions. Rotating residents and students are invited to join these sessions.
Fellows also actively participate in teaching, as part of the Columbia OBGYN residents’ annual REI rotation (one month in PGY-1, 2, 3 and 4), during which residents attend sonograms and procedures at the fertility center, as well as the fellows’ Vanderbilt clinic at CUIMC. Fellows also participate in teaching for Columbia VP&S medical students, at the fertility center and through didactic lectures for students.